Barrington, NJ
I have always had a love for everything Disney. When I had my own children that love became even greater. I’ll never forget my daughter’s first day in the park and having one of the princesses wave to her from on top of her grandfather’s shoulders. “Mommy! They KNOW ME!! They waved to me!! THEY KNOW ME!” I knew then that Disney would always be part of our lives and my kids would grow up on Disney. Each trip we made to Disney World or Disneyland gave us the opportunity to visit our favorite sites over and over again, to try new things, and continue to make family memories that have lasted a lifetime. My children are young adults now and they still love going to Disney any chance they get. It’s that kind of magic and those priceless family memories that made me want to give that to other families. I’m so excited to help you plan your own Disney vacation and help your family to make magical memories. Whether it’s your first time going, or you love to go again and again like we do, I can make it easy for you to get to the magic and enjoy that precious family time. That’s what I love best about being part of The Mouse Experts–helping families like yours make memories you will never forget. Making customized itineraries specific to your needs and how you like to vacation, I can put together a trip that is perfect for your family. Whether it’s Disney World, Disneyland, or any of the other Disney experiences, I’ll be happy to help show your family the world of Disney!