Charlotte, NC
My name is Joy Dietz. I was born and raised in the Charlotte, NC area, where I still live with my husband and 2 children. If you spend just a few minutes with me, chances are I will find a way to bring Disney World into the conversation! My love for Disney started as a child when my family and I traveled with my grandparents. We went several times after that. Fast forward to 2014, I was pregnant with our second child and our oldest was almost 2, I wanted to do a last family vacation with our little family of 3. What better place to do that you ask? Walt Disney World! I can hardly put in to words what it was like to see Disney through his eyes. It was truly magical! It’s one of those feelings you just don’t want to end! So we just kept going back! I want you to have those same magical feelings on your first or next Disney vacation. Let me use my mouse expertise to plan the most magical vacation for you and your family.