Hendersonville, NC
Fifteen years ago, I took my first trip to Walt Disney World® with my husband, two children (then ages 5 and almost 2), and my parents. Our youngest child had global developmental delays and traveling anywhere with her took special planning. My heart almost sank when I realized that my child’s special needs aside, Disney vacations took their own special planning. Since I knew I couldn’t disappoint my family by canceling, I decided to learn everything I could on planning a successful trip to Disney. All these years later with numerous Disney Destination trips under my belt, I can’t get enough of planning Disney vacations (I might like it almost as much as the trip itself).
Since I can’t constantly be planning my family’s next Disney trip, I decided to join the The Mouse Experts team and put all of our accumulated knowledge and experience to work planning one for you! Because my family enjoys vacationing at Walt Disney World® during Christmas, I have special experience on how to plan and navigate the parks during what is considered the busiest time to visit. It’s a personal challenge of mine to not get bogged down by the crowds and to enjoy one of my favorite holidays at one of my favorite places. My personal experiences, graduating from Disney’s College of Knowledge, and the abundance of resources and training from The Mouse Experts has equipped me with what it takes to give you a truly magical Disney Destination vacation. By using my services for your next Disney Destination trip, I will turn what could be lots of “Oh, Bothers” into “Zero Bothers”!
Please email me at chughes@themouseexperts.com and visit my website www.ZeroBothersTravel.com, so we can get started planning your next vacation!